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For Eric and Asa
* * *
Kingdom of Strathclyde
House of Morken
Ariane: Wisdom Keeper
Brant: warrior, Morken’s nephew, older brother to Brodyn
Brodyn: warrior, Morken’s nephew, younger brother to Brant
Cathan: head Wisdom Keeper of Strathclyde, counsellor to Morken
Crowan: nursemaid to Lailoken and Languoreth
Desdemona: servant
Herrick: servant
Languoreth: daughter of Morken, twin sister to Lailoken
Lailoken: son of Morken, twin brother to Languoreth
Macon: groom
Morken: petty king/high chieftain of Goddeu, halls in Cadzow and Partick
House of Tutgual
Angharad: daughter of Languoreth
Cyan: son of Languoreth
Elufed: queen of Strathclyde, a Pict
Gladys: daughter of Languoreth
Gwenfron: daughter of Tutgual
Morcant: son of Tutgual
Rhydderch: son of Tutgual
Rhian: wife of Morcant
Rhys: eldest son of Languoreth
Tutgual: king of Strathclyde
The Borderlands
Ceidio: former king of Ebrauc, Gwenddolau’s father
Emrys: the Pendragon, leader of the Angle resistance
Gwenddolau: Emrys’s second-in-command, “Uther” Pendragon
Maelgwn: warrior, general of Pendragon’s army
Kingdom of Ebrauc
Eliffer: brother to Ceidio, king of Ebrauc
Gwrgi: king of Southern Ebrauc, brother to Peredur, son of Eliffer
Peredur: king of Northern Ebrauc, son of Eliffer
Kingdom of Gododdin
Pascent: son of Vortigern
Vortigern: king of Bryneich, Southern Gododdin
The Christians
Anguen: monk in Mungo’s order
Fergus: monk in Telleyr’s order
Garthwys/Mungo/Kentigern: Christian monk, bishop of Strathclyde
Telleyr: Christian monk
The Scots of Dalriada and Manau
Aedan mac Gabhran: nephew of Conall, king of Manau
Conall mac Comgall: king of Scots of Dalriada
* * *
House of Morken
Ariane: “AH-ree-AH-nee”
Brodyn: “BRO-din”
Cathan: “CATH-an”
Crowan: “CROW-an”
Kingdom of Goddeu: “Goth-thew”
Lailoken: “LIE-lo-kin” (Nickname “LIE-el”)
Languoreth: “Lang-GOR-eth”
Morken: “MOR-kin”
House of Tutgual
Angharad: “An-HA-rad”
Cyan: “KY-ann”
Elufed: “El-LEAF-ed”
Gladys: “GLA-diss”
Rhian: “REE-AH-n”
Rhydderch: “RU-therk”
Rhys: “REEse”
Tutgual: “TOOT-gee-al”
The Borderlands
Ceidio: “KAY-dee-OH”
Emrys: “EM-riss”
Gwenddolau: “GWEN-tho-lye”
Maelgwn: “MILE-gwinn”
Kingdom of Ebrauc
Eliffer: “El-LEAF-er”
Gwrgi: “Ga-WHERE-gi”
Peredur: “PEAR-REE-dur”
The Christians
Brother Telleyr: “TELL-er”
Brother Anguen: “AN-gew-en”
In the 1830s, a group of quarrymen discovered a body buried on a hilltop two miles east of Dunipace, Scotland. The skeleton had been laid to rest in an ancient coffin of unhewn stone. No weapons, jewelry, mirrors, or combs were found in the grave. The only accompanying artifact was a large earthenware vase, and inside it the decayed remains of parchment. A report was published in The New Statistical Account of Scotland, and the skeleton was removed so quarrying could continue.
The body, the coffin, and the earthenware vase have all since been lost.
Along with the parchment and whatever was written upon it.
I have been a drop in the air.
I have been a shining star.
I have been a word in a book.
—“Cad Goddeu” (“The Battle of the Trees”), translated by Robert Graves, The White Goddess
* * *
Cadzow Fortress, Strathclyde
Land of the Britons
Late Winter, AD 550
I was dreaming of the forest. This time no rustle of wind, no birdcall, no sliver of light penetrated the thick canopy of trees. Silence thundered in my ears like a band of warhorses. And then, through the gloom, I heard my mother call my name, her voice soft and hollow-throated as a dove’s.
I woke with a start as my brother tugged back the covers and a rush of cold air met my feet. Lailoken’s sandy hair was unkempt. He watched impatiently as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and reached for my dress, but as I tugged the wool over my head, my mind quickened and the memory came rushing back.
Mother was dead.
Nine days had passed since the sickness took her. Sleep—when it came—brought some relief, but each morning when I woke, my wound tore open anew.
“I dreamt of her.” I looked at my brother. “Mother was calling my name, I’m certain. If only I could have seen her . . .”
I waited a moment, hoping for a response, but Lailoken only frowned and handed me my cloak. The purple rings beneath his eyes told me he’d been up through the night again, seeking her spirit in the Summerlands. For a moment, Lail looked envious I’d dreamt of her. But if my brother did not sleep, how could he dream?
“Tonight you must rest,” I said. “There is sickness yet beyond Cadzow’s walls.”
Lail’s face only darkened.
“Lailoken.” I caught his sleeve. “Sooner or later you will have to speak.”
He ignored me, reaching instead for the door’s iron latch.
“You cannot force her to come to you,” I said. “After all, the Wisdom Keepers say—”
Lail turned on his heel, his narrowed eyes unmistakable.
Don’t be stupid—you’re going to wake Crowan.
I bit my tongue. I didn’t want to wake our nursemaid any more than he; Crowan would never allow us to go down to the river this time of morning. And though neither Lailoken nor I could explain it, we knew the beast waiting in the shallows waited for us alone. As though it were ours alone to see.
I followed Lailoken down the dark corridor, softening my footfalls as we crept past the entryway to the great room with its sleeping warriors and softly dying embers.
Yes, Mother was dead. Now our rambling timber hall felt like a husk without her.
I swallowed the stinging that rose in my throat and followed Lailoken out the heavy oaken door and into the milky morning light.
In the courtyard, mist swathed the late winter grasses. Past the fallow kitchen garden, Brant stood watch on the platform of the inner rampart, breath clouding beneath his hood. At the sound of our footsteps, his grip tightened on his spear before he caught sight of us and smiled.
“Ho, there, little cousins. And where do you suppose you’re off to?”
“We’re only
going down to the river,” I said.
Brant looked at Lailoken. “Still no good morning from you, eh, Lailoken?”
“He isn’t speaking to anyone.” I shifted my weight, and Brant’s brown eyes softened.
“Right, then. Down to the river.” He gestured us through. “But you two had better mind each other. The cliff trail is slick as a snake’s belly.”
“We’ll be careful,” I swore, but as we hurried through the gate, I made certain Lailoken felt my eyes on the back of his head. It was hurtful and foolish, his vigil of silence.
“Do you imagine you miss her more than I do?” I said. “You are not the only one who lost her, Lailoken. Mother’s gone and we cannot bring her back.”
My brother stiffened as he ducked beneath a low-hanging bough, but at the sound of hurt in my voice he glanced back, reaching for my hand.
An offering, an apology.
I joined my fingers with his and we wound our way along the forest path to the place where the towering outer rampart ended. At the cliff’s edge, a deer trail stretched down hundreds of feet to the gorge below. A thick sponge of moss lined the narrow trail where the first tender shoots of fern budded from their peaty winter beds. We edged down the steep path toward the river, mud caking the leather lacing of our boots, and I breathed in the earthy smell that always brought relief. My mother had spent endless days in the forest with us, plucking mushrooms from fallen tree trunks, gathering blackberries and marshmallow and nettle, using the knife she kept at her belt to strip the bark from hazel and birch. Mother was the wife of a king. But she had also been a Wisdom Keeper, trained in the art of healing. It was the lady Idell our tenants visited for a tonic to ease their child’s cough, a salve to slather on their horse’s foot, or a remedy to ease the aches of old age. And it was by her side, in the woods, under our great roof of trees, that I felt most at home.
The river Avon glinted like liquid glass as we emerged at the cliff bottom. Stooping low, we moved softly through the underbrush until we neared the bank of the river and Lailoken squeezed my hand. We crouched at the water’s edge, just out of sight, as I struggled to quiet my breathing.
The red stag was magnificent—nine points on each of his antlers. We watched the river course round his black hooves as he drank in the shallows, the graceful muscle working in his throat. It was strange to spot deer this late in winter, and stranger still to find one so close to our fort; most had been hunted into the deepest glades beyond Cadzow by now. Surely such a beast was wise to the ways of men. And yet, each morning since our mother’s death, we had descended the steep banks of the gorge to find him standing in the current as if he, too, were keeping vigil.
Now the only sound was the soft gurgle of water over rock. Fog pillowed over the dark sheen of river and I opened my ears to the sounds of the stream, longing to hear the sweet strains of the melody my mother so often hummed while walking the woods.
Then, a movement flickered in the corner of my vision. I turned instinctually, looking upriver. At first I could make no sense of the shadowy form that appeared where nothing had stood a moment before. I blinked to clear my eyes. But there, in the water, rising out of the mist, stood a figure, her dark hair flowing over her simple green dress. If my fingers hadn’t been stinging with cold, I would have been certain I was still dreaming.
Her skin was no longer flushed by fever or marred by the blisters that had come. Her face was smooth and her lips wore a smile, but her gaze was unsettling; her eyes were wild and dark in the river’s dim. I opened my mouth to cry out her name, but the stag bolted upright, nostrils flaring. I glanced back upriver, and my heart sank. My mother had vanished as quickly as she had come.
Or had she been there at all?
I balled my fists until my nails bit into the flesh of my palms. How could my eyes play such cruel tricks? There was nothing now but the soft wash of water. Only the great stag stood regarding us, his tawny pelt shimmering in the growing light of morning.
Of course I hadn’t seen her. We had scattered her ashes high in the hills. But next to me Lailoken let out a puff of breath.
“It was her, wasn’t it?” I turned to him. “You saw her, Lail, tell me! She was just there . . .”
Lailoken gave a tight nod. Because he was my twin, I could feel his tears before they began. I sank down onto the pebbled bank. My brother sank down beside me. And together we poured our grief into the slowly waking world.
We sat at the river’s edge until our bodies grew stiff from cold and our sobs gave way to the sound of birds in the forest behind us. All the while the stag moved softly in the shallows. Perhaps tomorrow the beast would come no more—after all, it had been nine days. Cathan the Wisdom Keeper said nine was the most magical of numbers.
I was wiping my face with the corner of my cloak when Lail stiffened.
“What is it?” I asked.
He lifted a finger and gestured to the edge of the nearby thicket, where a brown hare was hunched beyond the brambles, its head tilted as if it were listening. Lail watched as it shivered its whiskers and scampered into the forest, his gaze following its trail. Then he turned to me, eyes rimmed red, and spoke the first words he’d uttered in days.
“A rider is coming. He brings news from the east.”
A “Knowing,” or so the Wisdom Keepers called them. At night, and even in waking, Lail told me, he dreamt of such things: salmon circling the bottom of a forest pool, or the speckled eggs of a faraway falcon’s nest. It had been Lail who had woken from sleep that first morning after Mother died and heeded the call to the river. There he’d found the red stag standing in the shallows as if it were waiting. My brother had a gift for reading such signs from the Gods. We were only ten winters—Lailoken was young to have such skill. Yet Lail could not make sense of why the great deer had come. Even so, I could sense now that my brother’s gift was growing. Messengers came often to Cadzow with news for our father, but never before had Lailoken foreseen one.
I shifted on the stones, straining to hear the sound of hoofbeats I knew were not yet approaching. A rider was coming—it was only a matter of when—and soon our nursemaid Crowan would wake to find our beds empty. I knew we should hurry, yet I could not take my eyes from the water.
“Was that truly Mother we saw?” I asked. “Is that what it’s like when you see someone from Spirit?”
“Don’t know.” Lailoken squinted. “I’ve never seen a spirit before.”
“She looked just as real as anyone. Do you think if we stayed . . . we might see her again?”
Lail’s blue eyes trailed to the water almost hopefully. But then he shook his head and wiped his nose on the back of his hand. I felt the small stab as he shut me out again and looked to the cliff top, where a yolky sun was filtering through the forest. The spell of dawn had broken. In the current, the stag shifted and meandered toward the opposite bank. I wanted to rest my head on his smooth flanks, make my mother reappear so she could chase away the emptiness. But we moved instead to climb the trail, turning our backs on the water.
As we reached the little gully where our mother had so often sat by our side, I heard the echo of her voice rising up from the depths of my longing. She had called out my name in the darkness of my dream. But her voice had not been tender or full of love.
Her voice had been full of warning.
* * *
We’d lingered too long by the river, and our nursemaid Crowan had worked herself into a state over the sight of our empty beds.
“Just where have you been? And in your cloaks, I see! On such a cold morning as this, with marauding men about? Haven’t you a care for old Crowan’s heart? In with you now, lest your father catch sight of you.”
She ushered us into the warmth of the hall and toward our chambers, all the while mumbling, “Keep ’em safe, Crowan, and let no harm come to ’em. Hmph. Not so easy with these two rascals roaming the wilds.”
Lail regarded her mutely. Even in th
e depths of his grief I knew Crowan’s ceaseless ministrations rankled him no end. But what was Crowan to do? She’d tended us since we were babes, and our father before us. I looked at her as she planted her small feet, arms crossed over her bony chest.
“And well? Will you tell me where you’ve been, or don’t I deserve an answer at all?” Her tidy gray hair had escaped in wiry strands from her plait, and her little hazel eyes were clouded with worry.
“Don’t be cross,” I said. “We were only down at the river, Crowan. Nine mornings in a row we’ve spotted him—a great stag—and he doesn’t flee at all!”
Lail shot me a look for betraying our secret.
“Nine mornings you’ve been down to the river, sneaking from bed without me waking?” Crowan threw up her hands, but the rebuke faded from her tongue.
“I suppose your mother loved them woods, didn’t she?” She softened and gathered us close. I inhaled the smell of peat smoke and pine that always clung to her rough woolen smock.
“Gods know, the beauty left this house when she took her last breath,” she said. “But you must be careful. There’s talk of evil men roaming this land. Things aren’t what they once was. Swear to me you’ll not sneak away again. I couldn’a bear it if something ill were to happen to you. Swear it, now.”
Lailoken leaned into her but did not reply.
“We swear it, Crowan,” I said. Better me than Lailoken. If my brother didn’t speak it, it couldn’t hold him, and who knew where his wanderings might lead?
Lail gave me a nod of thanks as Crowan hurried us down the corridor to ready us for breakfast.
In my chamber before the bronze mirror, I watched as Crowan worked to comb and re-plait my long, wavy hair. Father swore she would outlive us all, but her wrinkled face looked worn now, her skin as thin as parchment.
“Crowan.” I stilled her hands.
“Yes, dove?”
“Do you believe that when we die, we truly go to the Summerlands?”